UR Rare Books and Special Collections
Local History indexes. The four indexes, edited and/or compiled by Karl S.
Kabelac, to published volumes. The indexes are to Rochester/Monroe County
views, pictures of people, biographical sketches, and 19th century businesses
at http://www.lib.rochester.edu/index.cfm?page=3198 |
 | UR Rare Books & Special Collections
for all Rare Books, Special Collections and University
manuscript & archive registers, UR history, Friends of Mt. Hope
Epitaph newsletter at https://library.rochester.edu/spaces/rbscp |
 | UR Voyager Catalog for holdings of the
various UR libraries such as the River Campus Library, Sibley Music
Library, Edward Miner Medical Library, Charlotte Whitney Allen
Library at the Memorial Art Gallery. Go to
http://groucho.lib.rochester.edu/ |
Other Databases
Upstate New York Newspapers. A database of over 5,000,000 pages, key word
searchable. Has the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, late 1800s to
mid-1900’s at https://Fultonhistory.com/ |
 | Genealogically Orientated Websites for every state and every county in
the United States. Created by volunteers, they vary greatly in design and
content at http://www.usgenweb.org |
 | A google search will often bring up information from some
obscure data base or website you may not otherwise find. Try it two
different ways; with and without quotes around the search term.
There is also an advanced search function. Go to http://www.google.com |