| 5 printings of America's First Boomtown-Rochester, NY
sold out quickly! The
Special Collector's Edition of America's First Boomtown-Rochester, NY,
Rochester's 175th Birthday as a city has
been out of print since April 2011.
 | All
remaining copies from the 5th printing were sold on 10/1/12 at the
special event, the motorcoach tour and luncheon at Marios of Historic
Downtown Rochester. A drawing was held for the remaining books as there
were more people interested in purchasing than books remaining. |
It is a 8½" x
11" size 200 page beautiful coffee table book with detailed index,
including 348 illustrations, of which 127 are in color. It is the first
comprehensive book on early Rochester history ever done in color, with so many
images, illustrations and 114 biographies of notable men and women.
The book quickly
became the fastest selling local history book on Rochester. It is a handbook of
Rochester's history and is now a collector's item for anyone interested in
Rochester's history. It will be a treasured keepsake to pass down to your family
members for generations to come as no
more will more copies
will be printed.
